So, I think it might be time that I finally tell to story of how love snuck up on me and started this amazing journey that I am now on!
It all started as an early morning janitor in the Fall of 2008 right after I finished serving a mission for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints in the great state of Alabama!! We met once that semester started and had a lot of fun at work and I was just not even close to ready for anything to happen and he was otherwise engaged with another girl, so I just hung out with him while at work. I was fine with that and we went about doing our own thing. We worked together for 2-3 semesters and then moved on kind of. He asked me out in 2009 and we went bowling and had fun, but still it was not the right timing for the two of us to see what the future held for us together. We both admit that we were attracted to each other, but other things were happening and it was not our time. I know I was not ready for a relationship any deeper than a friend, especially with young men.
Let us fast forward to December 2011, we have now both graduated and we some how are both still single. I notice that Rob is commenting on a lot of my posts and so I start responding back and reaching out on facebook with chats and what not. Before long, I say let's text it will be easier, so we exchange numbers and start texting. I mean texting a lot and getting to know each other and then we decide that even though it is long distance and what not we both feel that this is going to go somewhere special. He asks me if I would like to come out to California and visit him and meet the family and I say that I would love to. I finally get out to see him the weekend of April 14 and we decide that I am going to move to California to see what comes of our deepening feelings for each other. All along neither one of us really knowing what was happening, but just following the promptings that this was right and letting it go from there.
I move to California the following week and we just let things go from there. Then May 5, 2012 happens and I suppose y'all really want that story more than the one above:) So, here is that story; I want to let you know that I had no idea that he was going to ask me to marry him!! His parents invited us to go to the temple with them, so I jumped right on that as I love going to the temple and was excited to go with Rob! We attended the 7am session and it was amazing as it always is and proceeded on into the celestial room. We were standing around talking and then he asked me if I wanted to go and sit down with him on the couch and I said sure and we went and sat down. We talked for a few minutes and then he looked at me and he said "I truly love you Crystal, will you marry me?" and I said "yes!" He had set this up and his parents and my parents already knew and that brings us to now. Planning and getting pictures and all that other stuff done and become a family for eternity!!
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