Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Miracles Do Happen!!

Well it has sure been a long time since I posted anything on here. I guess sometimes I just don't care to write about the comings and goings of my life. I am doing well!! I quit my job at the call center and am preparing to move to California. I know this might sound like I am crazy, but it is right and I had thought this a year ago and now I need to!! There are many reasons and one of them is that I am pursuing a young man that I went to school with. We reconnected and we both want to see where it goes. The Lord works in a mysterious way!!
 I am excited to spread my wings and see what happens. I never thought that one could reconnect via text the way that this young man and I have connected, but I know that the Lord hears and answers prayers and we have both been praying for the next step in life to come our way. This may seem crazy, but we both feel that this is gonna work out and that our prayers are being answered. We both feel great and want to go about this in a manner that proves that!! I will keep all informed. Life sure can throw some interesting curves and hills and valleys upon us and as we let them happen and follow along the Lord unfolds a great path that although not easier is the right one and the one that He will lead us through and help us follow. It is amazing if you really take the time to see just how in our loves the Lord is. He leads and guides us and if we take the time to recognize that you will see just how much leading and guiding is done!
 The more aware I become of the participation the Lord had in my life that more and more I am letting Him truly lead me. He has led me all over the US and I know that I am going where He needs me to be. He knows that I need to find a place that feels like home and where I can settle down and raise the children that are waiting for me to get the ball rolling and bring them here. Miracles do happen and I know that I am in the midst of one!!  I am grateful and humbled that such an amazing world has been shown me!  The Lord is leading my mother more and more into the light and peace and happiness that the gospel has and that means if all works out she would be able to be there to witness me being sealed! This is a fulfillment in part of a blessing that was given me more than once!! The Lord knows the perfect timing and I am willing to wait for all things to come into alignment and be amazed over and over again!!
 I still have many hurdles to jump and fears to overcome, but I know that as long as I stay on the Lord's side I can and will overcome all that is placed before me. Who is willing to join me??


  1. I am happy for you. I hope that this turns out wonderful for you and the young man your pursuing and I am so happy about your mom.

  2. That is wonderful! I can't wait to hear an official announcement:)
