So, the past few days have been interesting to say the least! Yesterday woke up and could barely move thanks to snapping a muscle while turning in my chair ( I know at my age I should not be having these problems, but alas I do) and so that drained me of all energy ( I took an hour nap late in the afternoon, something that I very rarely do). I didn't make it to class as I was in a lot of pain and wanted to relax. I did run a few errands and what not and got things done, but it was a low key day. I cannot not say that about today!! I woke up with a wretchedly sore throat and decided to stay home. After running to the store to get Orange Juice and cough drops I came home and chilled for a bit. I then got a phone call that set me off into a break down of sorts (tears and all) and I almost decided to drop out of school and run away! After I calmed down and came up with a few plans so that I would not have to stay for the following winter here at BYU-I and as of right now it looks as though I am going to be able to get all that I need done to graduate in December! Great financial burden was just lifted off my shoulders. I know that God is watching out for me and that I need to be more rational when sudden changes happen in my life! I would like to thank all of my friends that gave me encouragement and tell them that life is worth it for me because they are here on my side keeping me from making stupid decisions! There are many things that I must learn and one of them is to think things through before opening my mouth and inserting my foot so far down my throat that I look foolish and uneducated! One day I will learn this and then people will almost always understand what it is that I am saying! Things are looking up and I hope that I can find a job next week, so that I can make money and support myself. I am just hoping that counseling will help me to over come these things inside that I can't seem to let go no matter how I try. I know that the Lord will take the pain and suffering I am just working on giving him the memories and scaring that still remain. The Atonement is real I am just trying to figure it out and use/apply it in my life!
Good night all I will continue my conversion story tomorrow when I get on here to update and what not!
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