Sunday, May 1, 2011

The Saga Contiues

 So, the more that I stay on this path that I am on, the more I love the Sabbath (for those unfamiliar with this term, it is another name for Sunday, or the day which I worship the Lord). I love it more and more as I realize what a great blessing it is to gather together and share one with another those things that we cherish as pertaining to the gospel. Today being the first Sunday of the month is an interesting day for those who don't know much about the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, because it is the day that our leaders have designated for members to fast (give up two meals or food for 24 hours) and give that money that we have saved to the Church, so that it can be distributed to those that are less fortunate than we might be (this means members and non members alike throughout the world) and then as an added blessing we are able to stand up in our Sacrament Meeting and bear testimony to each other if we chose of those things that we know to be true as pertaining to the gospel. It is unique and allows for great things to happen if you let them! Today was one of those great days, although I am sad that I will no longer be teaching Sunday School, I am grateful that I was afforded the opportunity to do something that I love for the past 6 or so months. It has taught me a lot about myself and the greatness of the people that surround me on a daily basis! SO, now back to the story of becoming a Latter-Day Saint!!
 As soon as I accepted the invitation to enter the waters of Baptism I felt impressed that I needed to read the Book of Mormon before I was a member (this was a daunting task as I had just about 10 days to get 531 pages of spiritual amazingness and power to read. Seeing as I had not really read the Bible and was not all that familiar with the phrasing and words used in old english I was in for a treat!! I checked in with the sisters nightly to give them a report about what I had read and how it impacted me. I seriously read like 10 hours a day to get it all read and my parents thought that I was nuts. I woke up and read and went to sleep after reading, staying up into the wee hours of the morning and trying to absorb it all and make sure that I applied what it asked me to do. It was an amazing journey!! As I came to the final chapter of the Book of Mormon in the Book of Moroni chapter 10 (Moroni was an ancient prophet that led a people called the Nephites until they were so wicked that their enemies the Lamanites utterly destroyed from off of the face of thee earth) where I was reintroduced to a promise that he gives to each person that truly opens their heart to an answer from Heaven! The promise can be found in verses 3-5 and if you don't have a copy of the Book of Mormon you can go to and look of the scriptures and find these verses.... they are amazing!! S0, this was the night before I was to be baptized and I had yet to kneel down and pray to know if what I was doing was right and if the Book of Mormon was the work and word of God, I still at times have issues with praying as I get scared for some reason. I had never really prayed in my life and this was going to be quite the endeavor as I was seeking for the answer to a question that I would have never thought to ask (not to mention the noise from the music and boisterous talking that was ever present at my house) the question was "is this Church true and am I following the Savior and is the Book of Mormon the Word of God?" I am not quite sure of how I worded all of these question, but I do know with out a doubt that I got an answer!! As I was asking these questions I felt the most amazing sensation, it was like my bosom was on fire and my whole being was bearing witness that my questions were what to ask and that the Lord was telling me that I was to continue on this path as it was the path that would lead me "home" to him again. I knew in that very instant that I was joining His church and that this testimony would be with me forever!! I cannot and will not ever deny the truthfulness of this gospel and the Spirit has borne far to powerful a witness to me that this is the Lord's Church again on the earth and that I am right where I need to be in order to live once again with my Heavenly Father! I know now that I was changed forever and although unsure of the future at that time I knew that I was blessed to have this testimony!! Let's see that ten days had much more than that going on!! I had resistance from my family with my decision, luckily I am stubborn and told them that I was 19 and that they couldn't stop me, and that if they kicked me out that someone in the Church would take me in and let me live in peace! I am a full of spunk when I want something, so bad that I don't care what it coasts me or what I have to do to get it!! That is a good thing in this case. I also had some important questions that needed to be asked and somethings that needed answering, so that I could have assurance that I wasn't going to get kicked out on a formality or something! I will continue later, brian on shut down and must cook and prepare for the males that are visiting!!

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