Monday, April 25, 2011

Another day of Testimony!

 Today has been another great day of building testimony. I am still not all the way where I need to be, but I am so much closer than I have ever been. I realized while chatting to a friend via Facebook that this is the happiest that I have ever been! I can't ever remember smiling, laughing, and feeling so at peace. I am sure that this is the calm before the next storm comes that I must go through, but I also know that with each passing storm will come more peace and greater ability to keep the peace within me. This is what I need, so as to be where I need to be when I need to be there (thank you Sister Clark!). I know that I still have many battles and demons that I must face, but with the help of the Savior and the friends that I have been given I truly have no need to fear. Where faith is fear can not exist! The more that I rely on my faith, the more I can conquer the fear that has held me bound for far to long. I want to remain free from the weight of sin and of the past and the only way that I can do this is to continue taking it one step at a time and by putting one foot in front of the other.
 There is so much that we all should be thankful and grateful for and I really am thankful for the small and simple things that I have been given such as sight (be it not 20/20), smell to smell the great things that surround me, my hearing that I might hear the music that is all around me at every corner, my sense of touch as I am able to feel all that I come in contact with. I don't know how I would handle not having these blessings as part of my life. I am sure that the reason that I am able to use all of my senses is because Heavenly Father knew that I needed to have them all that I might open my spirit to Him through these blessings! I am sure grateful that he knows me so very well, so perfectly! I can't wait to see Him again and give him a hug and tell him that I love him. This is one of the great motivating forces in me making all the changes that I am making. I don't want to be left behind left wondering what happened to the time that I was going to use to make these changes.
 I am far from perfect and indeed have made many mistakes that have caused much harm to those that are around me and to their family and friends. I am greatly saddened by these mistakes, but although I might not be able to fix the damage that I have done I have learned and hope that I can apply that learning to future situations, so as to not have these issues all of the time. The more I look at the things that I need to fix the more I realize that I need not be so prideful and afraid to ask for help. I am not sure how long I will take to get to a point to always ask when I am prompted! Learning these skills is what will bring me more happiness that that which I have now!
 Well seeing as I am falling asleep as I type I need to be off to bed. I love you all!!

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