Tuesday, April 26, 2011

That Spirit Speaks and I listen!

 Today I had one of those days when the Lord was being rather direct and persistent! He wanted me to do something and I kept putting it off, so he would get louder and louder, until I finally listened and did what he asked me to do. I did it and then I could finally think. Thinking is good when you are in college and have homework that needs done. I felt great after finally listening and although not done with my homework am grateful that the Lord trusts me enough to send me promptings to test me to see if I am really willing to trust him fully. I have a long way to go to be as President Monson ( The President of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints) who goes right away as soon as the Spirit whispers!! I can only hope that I can get to this point. I was not right away obedient, but I did obey it just took the Spirit pretty much screaming at me to get me to move. One day and one prompting at a time and then I will be able to go as soon as prompted!
 I am learning that I can have a great positive influence on the lives of those around me and that is good. For a long time I thought that  I was doing no more than brining them down with me and leading them from the light. Knowing that I am helping others and that the Lord is using me causes me to be filled with a happiness that I have yet to know in the 7 years that I have been a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints and now I understand what I was taught and what I taught in Alabama while serving the Lord for 18 months. With this knowledge I am able to help those that I hold most dear and that I love even if I don't really know them or especially if I do know them. This is a great blessing and I am so humbled that I am finally getting it!
 I think that the next few blogs will be my conversion story to the restored gospel, the one that is still happening and will be that way for the rest of my life!!
 I know that the gospel of Jesus Christ is true and I know that it can bring a happiness and peace that can be found nowhere else! In the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

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