Friday, April 22, 2011


So, today not as productive as I was hoping, but I did go get some groceries and am baby sitting a 2 year old tomorrow, so life is good!! I am trying to motivate myself to job hunt, but I am so not into that right now that it is hard. I know that I need one and I want one, I just hate the hunting part when there seems to be no jobs. I am sure that I will find something even if it is only temporary or part time. I need to make a plan and then a goal so that I am able to feel as though I accomplished something and so that I can see what  I have done and where I have gone. There is much that I need to do and I hope that I can get some homework done that I need to for monday!! I knew that I would do this to myself. I can't seem to work unless I am under pressure! Not sure what that is all about.
On to brighter things!! I am way excited for my Doctrine and Covenants class ( this is a book of revelations that The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints believes to be scripture revealed to us today), I can just feel that I am going to learn a lot and that I might be able to share things that will help others to learn too. I love teaching the gospel and hope that I might be able to stay on my calling as a Sunday School teacher, but I am not sure and only time will tell. I am teaching this Sunday and can't wait the New Testament is chalk full of amazing information and insights into the life of the Savior! I can't wait ti see how the lesson goes as it is easter sunday and all!
I am learning and growing each day and although some days are more rough than others. I need to go to bed I am falling asleep just typing this. Good night world!! Until we meet again tomorrow night!

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